dimanche 21 octobre 2007

The Swiss Alps!!

On Friday we basically spent the entire day on several trains trying to make it to Switzerland. We had fallen asleep really early the night before completly forgetting to make our hotel reservations for Switzerland (there are no Marriotts where we were going to be). So here we are on the train with no clue of where to stay. I knew that we wanted to stay in either a town called Interlaken or a town called Murren. We kept debating back and forth on which one to stay in, but my gut feeling kept telling me to go to Murren even though it was late at night and a farther trip. So we got on the train to Murren and it ended up being a much longer/complicated journey than we anticipated! The train conductor told us to get off the train and go to this bus station to wait for the bus to Murren. As we were walking that way, another woman headed in the same direction told us that she was headed to Murren as well and would show us the way. She was a God send!! Turns out her name was Sue and she was from England. Her family had vacationed in Murren for the past 8 years and now that her kids are grown, she and her husband are moving to Murren! So we get on the bus which then drops us off at the cable car. Yes, the cable car. That is the only way to get to Murren (we had no clue). We end up having to take 2 cable cars up there and by the time we get there it's about 10:30pm. The hotel we wanted to stay at was already closed. Lucky for us, the entire town takes less than 10 minutes to walk and Sue knows everybody here so she walks us around the town until we find an open hotel where Sue talks to her friend and gets us a room. When we wake up in the morning, we look out the window and find we are surrounded by the Swiss Alps!! It is beyond gorgeous. And not to mention, expensive. It costs us $30 everytime we want to go down and up the cable car. I only have a couple more minutes to write...so I will sum this up. We end up walking to these beautiful waterfalls which is an amazing walk through the village amidst streams, mountains, animals, etc. During this walk we see people parasailing through the Alps!! I immediately knew that I wanted to do it but figured it was out of our price range. Well, long story short, it wasn't and we did it! We parasailed through the Swiss Alps! It was so amazing. The best part for me was the take-off. We hiked up this mountain and then basically ran off the side of it until we started floating. Awesome!

It is cold here....right now below freezing. And the whole town is basically closed since almost everything closes from November - mid December, so we're right on the edge of that. It is very quiet here....and everyone we have met has been SO nice.

Alright, gotta go, our new hotel does not have internet access but the first one we stayed at does so we have crashed them to use their internet!!

We uploaded new pictures on our site, check out lazan.smugmug.com

See you all soon!!!

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